From Biology of Ageing to Cancer Prevention Workshop

Apply to attend Cancer Research UK’s ‘From Biology of Ageing to Cancer Prevention Workshop’ in London on 28th January 2025:

Are you interested in the biological mechanisms underlying both ageing and cancer development, and the translation of research into cancer primary prevention approaches?

CRUK’s co-chairs Professor Walid Khaled (University of Cambridge) and Professor Lynne Cox (University of Oxford) will lead the discussions about future directions for the field during a full day workshop on 28th January at the Royal Society of Chemistry, London. Delegates will hear short talks from leading researchers working in different areas of ageing and cancer research, share expertise, discuss future directions and generate new collaborations and research ideas, including those that could form the basis of applications to CRUK’s Biology to Prevention Award scheme.

Places are limited – so please do click here to learn more and express your interest by 17th January 2025.
