NIHR Research Support Service

The NIHR Research Support Service (RSS) launched in October 2023, providing free and confidential advice and expertise for health and care researchers in England.  The RSS provides support at every stage of the research journey, from pre-application through to post-award delivery.

The RSS replaces the NIHR Research Design Service (RDS) which came to an end on 30 September 2023.

The NIHR RSS is a national service, allowing researchers to access the most appropriate expert support that best meets their needs, independent of their geographic location. The service is delivered collaboratively through eight RSS hubs across England, each hub is a partnership of research groups and organisations. After contacting an RSS hub, researchers will be referred to experts within the network who are best placed to provide the support they need.

Specialist centres will offer expertise and support for public health and social care research.

The core services offered by the NIHR RSS include:

  • Pre and post-award advice from methodologists. This includes statisticians, qualitative researchers, health economists, social scientists, behavioural scientists, clinical trialists and others with expertise in study development
  • Advice on patient and public involvement and engagement
  • Advice on developing and delivering inclusive research
  • Support for clinical trial development and delivery
  • Opportunities to collaborate with centres of research excellence
  • Signposting to other sources of advice and support

To find out more about the NIHR RSS or to request support from one of the RSS hubs visit the NIHR Research Support Service website.
