Governance and policies

From our formal Articles of Association to our grant-making, equity diversity and inclusion and data security policies – and a whole lot more – we’ve pulled together all of our key governance and policy documents here.


Our Articles of Association (pdf) is the constitutional document which sets out our charitable objects and our governing regulations.

Trustee Code of Conduct

All Trustees must abide by the principles and procedures set out in the Dunhill Medical Trust’s Conflict of Interest Policy. It is, however, recognised that there are times when specific conflict of interest issues can arise to which a specific Code of Conduct (pdf) applies and should be read in conjuction with the Conflict of Interests policy.

Investment Committee Code of Conduct

All members of the Investment Committee (Trustees, External Advisers and Executive Officers) must abide by the principles and procedures set out in the Dunhill Medical Trust’s Conflict of Interest Policy. It is, however, recognised that there are times when specific conflict of interest issues can arise that apply particularly to the Investment Committee. This and other matters relating to the expected conduct of members is set out in the Committee’s Code of Conduct (pdf).

Social Financing Committee Code of Conduct

All members of the Social Financing Committee (Trustees, External Advisers and Executive Officers) must abide by the principles and procedures set out in the Dunhill Medical Trust’s Conflict of Interest Policy. It is, however, recognised that there are times when specific conflict of interest issues can arise that apply particularly to the Social Financing Committee. This and other matters relating to the expected conduct of members is set out in the Committee’s Code of Conduct (pdf).

Research Grants Committee Code of Conduct

All members of the Research Grants Committee (Trustees, External Advisers and Executive Officers) must abide by the principles and procedures set out in the Dunhill Medical Trust’s Conflict of Interest Policy. It is, however, recognised that there are times when specific conflict of interest issues can arise in respect of grant applications and other grant-related matters that apply particularly to the Research Grants Committee to which a specific Code of Conduct (pdf) applies and should be read in conjuction with the Conflict of Interests policy.

In formulating this code, Charity Commission guidelines and Association of Medical Research Charities (AMRC) guidelines have been taken fully into consideration.

This policy is intended to be compatible with the provisions for dealing with conflicts of interest included in the Articles of Association of the Dunhill Medical Trust. In setting out the policy, the Trustees of the Dunhill Medical Trust acknowledge and accept the definition and principles in the Charity Commission document Conflicts of Interest: A Guide for Charity Trustees (CC29).

Download our Conflict of Interest Policy (pdf) 

The Dunhill Medical Trust accepts that organisations and individuals should be able to make complaints regarding any unsatisfactory aspects of its working practice. The purpose of this procedure is to set out a process for dealing with complaints which is fair and aims to resolve issues which may arise as quickly and reasonably as possible. The Trust aims to ensure that its grant-making reflects best practice and reserves the right to determine how it carries out its work. It does, however, accept that from time to time issues might arise which may need to be resolved as a result of the Trust’s interaction with grant applicants and grant holders, and other external individuals and organisations.

Download our Complaints Procedure (pdf)


IT Security

Our IT security is important to us and we are Cyber Essentials accredited.

Information Security Policy (pdf)

Compliance Policy (pdf)

Outsourcing and third party compliance Policy (pdf)

Information Handling Policy (pdf)

User and Password Management Policy (pdf)

Acceptable Use Policy (pdf)

Software Management Policy (pdf)

Mobile Computing and Remote Working Policy (pdf)

Social Media Policy

Data protection

The Dunhill Medical Trust (DMT) holds personal data about its employees, Trustees and Committee members, grant holders, suppliers and other individuals for a variety of purposes relating to delivery of its charitable objectives.   It seeks to adhere to the principles of data protection legislation, in particular to meet the requirements of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) effective May 2018 and updated subsequently by UK GDPR, which came into effect on 1 January, 2021.

This policy sets out how the Trust seeks to protect personal data and ensure that its staff, Trustees and external advisors understand the rules governing their use of personal data to which they have access in the course of their work.  In particular, this policy requires staff to ensure that the Chief Executive is consulted before any significant new data processing activity is initiated to ensure that relevant compliance steps are addressed. Any breach, whether deliberate or through negligence, may lead to disciplinary action being taken.

Download our Data protection policy (24-11) (pdf)

Our Privacy Notice is intended help our stakeholders to understand what information we collect about them, how we use it, how we protect any information that they give us and what choices they have.

Policies and governance documents

The following documents may be found on the How we support you page.

  • Research Funding Strategy
  • Open access policy
  • Specimen intellectual property agreement
  • Terms of award
  • Grant-making policy 

These should be read in conjunction with the specific guidelines for the grant scheme for which you are applying.

Investment policy

The Trust keeps its investment policy under regular review.  How our investments perform in terms of environmental, social and governance matters is important to everyone and we monitor these using the available tools, in addition to financial performance. Investments in tobacco and fossils fuels (defined within the document) are specific policy exclusions.

Download our Investment Policy Statement (pdf)

Anti bribery policy

Charity Commission guidance states that “the Commission expects trustees to comply with the law on bribery and to implement good practice in accordance with their duty to protect the property and reputations of their charities”. The Bribery Act 2010 applies to individuals and ‘commercial organisations’; according to guidance from the Ministry of Justice, this includes charitable companies carrying out not-for-profit business. As such, The Charity Commission requires charities with income in excess of £1 million to have an anti-bribery policy statement.

Download our Anti Bribery Policy (pdf)

Risk policy

The Trust maintains a risk register.  The Trust’s Committees review the sections relevant to their work at each meeting, reporting to the Board any items which merit a change in risk status.  The executive keep it under constant review and the Board reviews it in detail annually.

Download our Risk Policy (pdf)

Equality and diversity policy

The work we fund means that we know all too well the negative impacts of inequity. We are therefore committed to promoting equity, diversity and inclusion in all areas of our work.

We recognise the inherent benefits of having a diverse board and workforce and the negative impact of discrimination on us and the communities that we serve. We work hard to promote a culture of respect and dignity and work within the practice – and the spirit – of the Equalities Act 2010.  We do our very best to proactively combat behaviours and barriers that can lead to discrimination.

Our equality and diversity policy is in three parts:

  • The Trust as a funder.
  • The Trust as an employer.
  • The Trust as a partner.

Download our Equality and Diversity Policy (pdf).

We also have a Board Diversity Action Plan (pdf) which was approved by the Board in June 2022 and is subject to regular review. Please note, we do not publish numbers and targets relating to our equality and diversity policy.  While we collect data (where we have permission to do so) and monitor it to use it in our planning and decision-making, to publish it would risk making special category data about individuals identifiable owing to our size.

Modern Slavery statement

The Dunhill Medical Trust (DMT) has a zero-tolerance approach to modern slavery, and we strive to act ethically and with integrity in all of our business dealings and relationships to ensure that modern slavery is not taking place anywhere in our own organisation. We will also ensure our approach and stance is clear with our partners, applicants and award-holders.

Download our Statement on Modern Slavery (pdf)

Safeguarding policy

Organisations that work regularly with vulnerable people (children or adults at risk, their parents, carers or families) need to comply with safeguarding legislation and best practice recommendations. While the Trust does not work directly with groups defined by the Care Act 2014 as vulnerable, it expects and requires organisations who do and which it funds, or with which it collaborates, to have suitable policies and mechanisms in place to prevent and address incidents of exploitation, abuse or harm.

Download our safeguarding policy (pdf).

Staff handbook

The health and well-being of our small staff team is hugely important to us. Our Staff Handbook sets out all of our HR-related policies, including our sector-leading family-friendly (parental and carer’s leave) policies and our pay and benefits.

Download our Staff handbook 24-04 (pdf)

We are a Living Wage Employer.

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