
We’re a highly collaborative team here at the DMT. We like to plan and be prepared, but we also like to be flexible and responsive to new ideas. We’re committed to making our contribution to understanding what it takes to improve health outcomes in older age and to the much-needed systemic change in health and social care for older people – so we want to work with people who share that commitment. We list our current vacancies and other opportunities to work with us here.

We have no vacancies currently.

Current priority areas: Our current priority areas are for:

  • a geriatrician or someone from the allied health professions specialising in the care of older people;
  • a statistician or clinical researcher with particular interest/expertise in statistics.

Person specification: Download

Term of appointment: Full Research Grants Committee members serve an initial term of three years, renewable for one further term by mutual agreement. Expert panellist appointments will be for the current plan period (until March 2026).

Time commitment: Research Grants Committee member: three meetings per year.

Expert panellist: Attendance at a maximum of two committee or panel meetings in any one year (dependent on disciplinary expertise) and likely to be a maximum of four meetings in total over the plan period, at which advisors will be asked to lead the discussion on 3-5 applications per meeting and will have the benefit of peer review scoring and comments.

Prior to each meeting, members and panellists will be allocated applications to review and score using the Trust’s online application portal. They may also be required to provide occasional advice by telephone and/or email between committee meetings.

Do please download the relevant person specification and read more about some of our current work on our website – in particular our strategic framework for 2020-25.

Applicants must have both permission and support from their host institution before applying.

We positively encourage early career researchers to apply as career development is an important strategic theme of our work.

We are committed to promoting diverse and inclusive communities so encourage and welcome applications from under-represented groups.

The role is unpaid, although out of pocket expenses incurred will be reimbursed, which include reasonable travel expenses and any additional expenses incurred such as childcare or other caring responsibilities to facilitate attendance at meetings etc.

The Trust’s office base is in central London. The Committee and expert panels meet in hybrid format, however, to facilitate accessible attendance for all.

How to apply:

Please email a no more than two page covering letter setting out how you meet the requirements of the role and person specifications, together with your CV, to Susan Kay, Chief Executive [email protected].

If you would like to arrange an informal conversation about the role, please do so by emailing [email protected].

Please submit your application by 17.00 on 26 April 2024 indicating whether you are applying for a full Committee position or an Expert Panellist.