TAPPI Principles and Resources published

The Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI) project aimed to improve the way technology is used in housing and care settings. Chaired by Professor Roy Sandbach and funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, phase 1 of the TAPPI …

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A helping hand with insulin injections: training Healthcare Support Workers to support older people with diabetes

It’s best practice for people with diabetes to look after their health by injecting their own insulin. As people get older, however, they are likely to have other conditions that make this harder or unsafe to do. Dr Karen Stenner, from the University of Surrey and Principal Investigator of the CINDI Project, set out to evaluate the emerging practice of registered nurses delegating insulin injections to Healthcare Support Workers in community nursing teams. Could this alleviate workload pressures and bring benefits to patients and nursing teams alike?

Webinar: Creating age-friendly social housing

The Housing Learning and Improvement Network (LIN) run regular HAPPI Hour sessions, and on 11th July 2023 one of the Dunhill Medical Trust’s award holders will be presenting some of their work-in-progress. Dr Mark Hammond and colleagues will be …

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Eight people sitting on a ledge in front of trees

Building braver, bolder community nurses

The Queen’s Nursing Programme is for community nurses in Scotland who want to discover and bring out their inner leader. Here, some of the Queen’s Nurses from the 2020 cohort tell us about their experience of the programme, including what they learned and how they are using their new skills to advocate for patients and improve community nursing.

Silhouette of a signpost against a sunset sky

Do you have the right motivation to do a PhD?

The chance to do a PhD came sooner than expected for Jwaad Hussain, a Robotic Engineering student at Middlesex University. After taking the plunge, Jwaad shares why it’s important to be motivated by the research question when considering whether …

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Older woman in a wheelchair engaging in a craft activity

Making friends during lockdown through intergenerational linking

Despite the challenges and pressures faced by care homes and schools during the pandemic, children and older people have been befriending each other in Bradford. Amy Lock and Linda Cowie from the Linking Network share stories of how these friendships are making a difference.