Academy Ignition Fund launched

Have you joined the DMT Academy yet? It’s an inclusive community of researchers and community innovators working to improve later life health and well-being outcomes. As well as being able to search for, and connect with, other researchers and innovators, …

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Health and Social Care Investment Hub

Everything you need to know about social Investment in the Health and Social Care sector. Social Finance in partnership with the Connect Fund have developed a resource hub that aims to demystify social investment in the Health and Social …

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Demystifying the application process: Insights from grant committee meetings

Ever wonder how we decide which applications get funded? If you are an Early Career Researcher (ECR), the way grant proposals are judged can seem like a bit of a mystery. DMT-funded ECRs, Barbara Balocating Dunn and Tim Whitfield, attended a Research Grants Committee meeting to find out what happens. Read on to hear their experience.

Interested in commercialising your research?

Zinc is an early-stage mission-driven investor and the Dunhill Medical Trust is an investor in the Zinc 2 Fund. Zinc brings together commercial experts and researchers with existing research or IP to co-found ventures solving pressing issues in the …

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