Awards announcement: Introducing our 2023 Proleptic Post-doctoral Fellows

This Fellowship scheme supports post-doctoral researchers as they transition to a permanent position within academia. For this pilot scheme, Departments/Centres/Institutes which are holders of our 2020 and 2022 Multiple PhD Studentship awards were invited to nominate candidates to apply. These were researchers that already demonstrated both excellence and a capacity for independent work, as well as being considered future leaders in ageing-related research. Following the nomination and application process which took place in 2022/23, we would like to welcome our recently appointed Proleptic Post-doctoral Fellows – Dr Arlene Casey and Dr Kerri Kinghorn.

TAPPI Principles and Resources published

The Technology for our Ageing Population: Panel for Innovation (TAPPI) project aimed to improve the way technology is used in housing and care settings. Chaired by Professor Roy Sandbach and funded by the Dunhill Medical Trust, phase 1 of the TAPPI …

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Interested in commercialising your research?

Zinc is an early-stage mission-driven investor and the Dunhill Medical Trust is an investor in the Zinc 2 Fund. Zinc brings together commercial experts and researchers with existing research or IP to co-found ventures solving pressing issues in the …

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Innovation Fellowships in Healthy Ageing

Following the launch of our Innovation Fellowships in Healthy Ageing last year, we are delighted to announce a further round of the scheme for 2024-25 in partnership with Zinc. The scheme introduces researchers to the world of commercial innovation and Fellows will support the development of tech-enabled products and services that contribute to healthy ageing.

Joint DMT / RNID Early-career Post-doctoral Fellowship

The DMT is working with the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) to build research capacity in hearing research, by supporting the career development of the UK’s most talented new ‘investigators’ towards becoming independent scientists. The latest call …

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