We are excited to announce that the next round of our Joint Doctoral Training Fellowship scheme with the British Geriatrics Society (BGS) is now open. This is the second round of our three-year agreement with the BGS, providing the opportunity to carry out doctoral research that will ultimately benefit the healthcare of older people.
Applications are invited from front-line healthcare professionals working with older people – including doctors, nurses and allied health professionals – with an interest in developing a career in ageing-related research. The focus of the proposed research must be aligned to understanding and treating ageing-related diseases and frailty, and/or improving the health and social care of older people. We are particularly interested in research with the potential to improve the health and social care of older people within 5 years of the end of the Fellowship.
Applicants can apply for up to £300,000 to cover salary, tuition fees and other relevant costs. Full details on eligible costs are provided in the call guidelines. We welcome applications for both full-time and part-time Fellowships. All applicants must be a member of the BGS for the lifetime of the award and meet the requirements for a programme of PhD study at a UK-based research institution.
The deadline for applications is 5pm on Friday 31st March 2023 and shortlisted candidates will be interviewed in late September. In previous rounds of the scheme, the success rate of applications was ~20%.
For more information and details on how to apply, please visit our “Apply for funding” page.