Agility and flexibility have continued to prove to be IMPACTAgewell’s® USP during the pandemic and both the support of service users and partnership-working across Mid and East Antrim has benefitted the community enormously.
Staff at IMPACTAgewell® supported GP surgery partners in the running of their vaccine clinics which in turn provided opportunities to connect with older people who after so many months in isolation could again benefit from the team’s support.
Following an increase in those under 65 looking for support following isolation, the team took the decision to lower the eligible age bracket for support to 60. It was becoming increasingly clear that the stress of the last year has meant that anxiety is becoming an issue for many people as they are encouraged to “return to normal life”. The team recognised this as a critical time to support people to build their confidence and the 6 month support package from IMPACTAgewell® could be key to getting them back on track.
You can read more about the team’s recent work in their latest ezine.