Multiple PhD studentship scheme now open to applications

Following the success of a pilot scheme we ran in 2020 in which we funded four research groups who had demonstrated a commitment to investing in ageing-related research to support a total of 21 doctoral studentships, we would now like to offer the opportunity again.

Backed by a substantial fund of £1M and in support of our strategic aim to grow and sustain capacity in ageing related research, this scheme is intended to support research institutions to provide training opportunities for early career researchers who wish to acquire a PhD to enable them to pursue a career in ageing-related research.

What will we fund?

Proposals from applicants and their host institutions must demonstrate their strategic commitment to ageing-related research, and must address one or more of the following priority research themes outlined in our 2020-25 strategic framework. Host institutions must be able to back this with a commitment to providing a contribution financially and/or with other resources.

The deadline for receipt of applications is 23rd December 2021 at 5:00pm.

Full details and to read more.
