The first round of the Dunhill Medical Trust Academy Excellence Awards is now open for nominations. Full details of the awards, including the nomination process and timeline, are available in the award guidelines.
The deadline for nominations is 5pm on 3rd November 2023.
Members of the Academy may self-nominate or nominate another member, and explain in the nomination form how they have demonstrated research excellence and a genuine commitment to our key principles for research.
Two awards of £40k per year for three years (£120k in total per award) will be made to:
- One early to mid-career “rising star” in ageing related research.
- One senior leader in ageing-related research.
The awards are intended to be flexible and can be used to support ageing-related research activities and/or career development. The award guidelines provide some examples of how the funds could be used.
Award-holders will be invited to attend and speak at the formal announcement of the award at the Trust’s 2024 Annual Lectures event. Award-holders will also be expected to participate, from time to time, in Academy training or other activities, for example panel review within their areas of expertise.
More details, including how to apply, are provided on the “Members-only content and awards” page of the Academy. For more information on becoming an Academy member, please visit the “Apply to join” page.