In 2020 we launched our new strategic framework which sees us taking a thematic approach to our future funding, as well as finding ways to help academic and clinical researchers to work in partnership with community organisations to make the much-needed systemic change to health and social care services for our ageing population. Following the completion of the terms of office of some existing Committee members, the Trustees of the Dunhill Medical Trust now wish to make a number of new appointments – both to the Research Grants Committee and to the wider panel of experts advising it.
The main purpose of the Committee and its expert panels is to review grant applications submitted under a range of strategically directed funding schemes and make awards within its authority delegated by the Board of Trustees and in line with the research funding strategy and current grant-making policy. The Committee also advises the Board of Trustees on the strategic development of grant programmes and policy matters relating to grant-making. The Trust is a member of the Association of Medical Research Charities and operates a rigorous system of open advertisement of funding opportunities and peer review for all research grant applications.
The closing date for applications is 5th August, 2022.