News, funding calls and events

Here, you’ll find details of news and events from around the ageing-related research community. Members can post details of their funding calls, events and other resources – just click on the button.

Members' news category

UKAN End of Network Member Survey 2024

The UK Ageing Network (UKAN) is made up of 11 interdisciplinary ageing research networks, bringing together researchers and stakeholders from different disciplines to better understand the biological mechanisms of ageing and their impact on human

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NIHR Research for Patient Benefit

NIHR welcomes applications for the Research for Patient Benefit (RfPB) under-represented disciplines and specialisms highlight notice. This call is specifically for registered health and care professionals who were not eligible to apply to the previous

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NIHR Healthy Homes

NIHR’s Public Health Research (PHR) Programme is looking to fund research which evaluates the effectiveness of strategies to reduce the negative health impacts of poor quality housing. This is a two-stage, commissioned funding opportunity. To apply

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