Academy Ignition Fund launched

Have you joined the DMT Academy yet? It’s an inclusive community of researchers and community innovators working to improve later life health and well-being outcomes. As well as being able to search for, and connect with, other researchers and innovators, …

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Innovation Fellowships in Healthy Ageing

Following the launch of our Innovation Fellowships in Healthy Ageing last year, we are delighted to announce a further round of the scheme for 2024-25 in partnership with Zinc. The scheme introduces researchers to the world of commercial innovation and Fellows will support the development of tech-enabled products and services that contribute to healthy ageing.

Joint DMT / RNID Early-career Post-doctoral Fellowship

The DMT is working with the Royal National Institute for Deaf People (RNID) to build research capacity in hearing research, by supporting the career development of the UK’s most talented new ‘investigators’ towards becoming independent scientists. The latest call …

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Innovation Fellowships in Healthy Ageing

We are delighted to be joining forces with Zinc, to support researchers who would like to experience the world of commercial innovation and support the development of tech-enabled products and services that contribute to healthy ageing. The Innovation Fellowships …

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