What’s next? Career and Opportunities in Ageing Research Workshop

17th May 2024 at the Science Gallery in London Bridge, King’s College London

Funded by the BLAST network and co-designed with early career researchers from multiple networks this event is open to all ECRs on a first come, first served basis.

The purpose of the event is to allow those within eight years of their PhD award ‘viva’ or equivalent professional training to network and gain careers advice, opportunities to publish their work in Advances in Biogerontology, access to small grant funding from the BLAST network and to be briefed on funding opportunities from UKRI and from new venture funders such as VITA-DAO.  Speakers include Dr Greg Baily (Juvenescence), Dr Carina Kern (Linkgevity), Dr Prashanthini Jeyarajan (Imperial Industry Partnership and Commercialisation) and Dr Samantha Wright (UKRI).

We are also pleased to announce that BLAST will coordinate a 5th round of Pump-Priming Funding. Two grants of £5,000, funded at 100% each, will be available to the successful applicants. Details to follow.

A maximum of 50 places are available and the event is in-person only. For attendees travelling significant distances a small number of awards for travel and subsistence are available on a first come, first served basis when registering. Registration link here.  Deadline 3rd May.  Due to limited spaces this registration will be closed when the target has been reached.


If you’re interested in alternative research careers, why not also check out the Dunhill Medical Trust’s webinar on “Making the Leap out of Academia“.
